Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I've been TAGGED!

Thanks to my dear sis-in-law Becca, I've been tagged! Problem is, I don't really know if I can come up with Seven Interesting things about myself. Here goes.......
1. I run and teach at a Dance Studio.
2. My favorite movie of ALL TIME is Singin' in the Rain. I just love Gene Kelly and it's so nice to watch a pre-special effects movie. Plus, the story line is just crazy!
3. I have been bungee jumping and expect to tandem skydive by this fall even though I'm not a huge fan of heights.
4. I used to dispatch for Davis County Sheriff's Office and be a 9-1-1 operator and I totally miss it. Not just my friends (that's a BIG part), but the job. It was very interesting!
5. At the urging of my mother, I once competed for the title of "Miss Davis County". Suprise suprise, I didn't win, but it was really a fun experience.
6. I have never seen the Star Wars movies, never finished Top Gun, never read any of the Harry Potter books or seen any of the movies (all the way through). I know, I'm a freak of nature!
7. I have a "not-twin". My friend Jenny D and I were honestly poured from the same mold - same head divet and everything! I'm so glad she's my friend - we practically have the same life experiences and it's good to have someone that can sympathize. I would have to say I'm truly blessed in the friend department, I have the best friends ever!
TAG! You're IT! Now, I'm passing the tagging fun along.....If your name starts with E,K,J,R or L or if you have green eyes.....I have officially tagged you and expect to see your lists on your blogs, SOON!


TeamDall said...

Dear Andrea,
Are you American? I can't believe you've never seen Star Wars. Wanna have a nerd party at our house?? I will be available to watch any or all of the Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Jane Austen movies anytime, anywhere. I will also be available for commentary.

Lindsay said...

I changed my name to Megan so therefore I am not tagged!