Monday, February 25, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend!

Weekend???? What weekend???? We were so busy this weekend, we hardly got a chance to breath let alone REST! Here's what we did......
Friday after running errands and scraping ice off the driveway, Andrea and the girls got to go pickup Dave at the 21st Street Chevron.....Why, you ask?!?! Well, this is what his tire looked like after driving over who-knows-what on the freeway.....
Marlee was begging to go through the car wash so we decided to do that and then didn't have time to take care of the tire right away as we had plans for a double date with the Dee's. Here's carwash pictures for your veiwing pleasure (ps bradee's "wig" is a long story - I just hope it reminds everyone of Albert Einstein - ya right!)

We dropped the girls off at Aunt Tammy and Uncle Mark's house for a night of fun (we love Mark & Tammy & kids! thanks again!)
We then went to Rumbi Island Grill (oh YUM!), swung by Costco and then headed to the movie VANTAGE POINT - Awesome movie! I would definately recommend it!
Here is me and Jenny with McDreamy

And I had to get a picture of Brian - but he was not cooperating - so this is what you get stuck with......
Got everbody home around 12:15 that night (yep, after midnight - whoa!) And yet the girls were still up at 8:00 ready to go Saturday.........
We started with Ziploc Omelets (If you haven't tried this from Grandma Dall's email, you really should, it was rather fun!)
The girls and all the toppings
Loading up the bags
Everyone with their personalized omelets
And voila!!! A delicious easy breakfast!
Well enough sitting around making breakfast.....had to get on the road. We headed out and Dave changed his flat for his spare - don't he look cute in coveralls??? Then we had the pleasure of forking out $275 for new tires since you can't replace just one or two tires on an all wheel drive vehicle! (so the tire store says - i think we're just suckers!)
Then it was off to drop Kaycee at her friend Whitney C.'s birthday party. After picking Kaycee up and then taking her back since she "forgot" to give Whitney her birthday present, we headed out to drop off New Moon to Rachel since she's now addicted! (Told ya so!!!) Then it was off to Grandma Garrett's Birthday party -
Happy Birthday Grandma!
But, we could only hang out there for a few minutes because we had another Birthday party to go to - a SUPRISE 40th Party for my dear friend Cyndi I haven't seen in AGES (totally not exaggerating!)
Here she is totally shocked that her family pulled of a suprise party. (Her mom and dad were so sweet to drive down from Worland, WY to be there - oh and it was so fun to meet her siblings I've heard so much about).
Here's Dave being a master artist (you have to say that with an accent) during "All Things Cyndi Pictionary" (p.s. i had to draw a car running over a cat! - gotta love Cyndita Dorita!)
Cyndi and her flaming cake :)
Happy Birthday Girlfriend!
Then it was back to Grandma Garrett's for some more birthday fun, a quick trip through Wendy's drive thru and home and in bed by 10:30 p.m. (much better compared to Friday night!)

Sunday was just the normal stuff, but all of us felt like we'd been hit by a truck. Quick visit to the Arciaga's to cut some vinyl lettering (and say howdy to the sh**dog Lola - hee hee) Then into bed only 45 minutes late......
So now it's Monday and I'm wondering what happened to our nice "relaxing" weekend?!?!? Oh well, I guess we'll try again in T-Minus 5 days! Wish us luck :)