Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy LATE-iversary!

Saturday, Dave and I celebrated 12 years of wedded bliss! :) Twelve years and 3 kids and people wonder why it takes me soooo long to post? hee hee! Grandpa Dale watched the girls and we grabbed us some delightful Rumbi and went to Get Smart (way good show, I would highly recommend it!) sorry - no pics!

Here is a card that the girls drew for us (aren't they sweet?!?!?)

And here's some "old" pictures of us on our wedding day. Yes, Dave has a mullet - but that was the style ok!!!

Here's to many more wonderful years together! Love you Dave!


Lindsay said...

I'm sorry all I got out of that was Dave's mullet! What a crack up! Happy Anniversary to you!

Anne said...

i totally remember coming to your reception. ah- memories! we need to get together soon! your girls are adorable and i can't wait for avery to get bigger to learn to dance. your dance studio looks awesome!

TeamDall said...

Happy anniversary. I never get tired of seeing your wedding pictures:)