Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas is in the air......

Thursday and Friday me and the girls pulled out all the Christmas decorations and got started making the house super festive. Here's the girls decorating their tree....

Kaycee wanted to pose by the "fancy" tree in the front room. I bought all new stuff for the tree this year, and thought it turned out pretty fun.....and yes, there are butterflies on my tree - nothing says Christmas like butterflies huh?!?!? :)

Then we had Christmas craft time. I bought these really "easy" craft kits from Michael's. Yeah, not really easy or quick, but they were pretty fun to put together (minus a hot glue burn!) Here's the girls working on their little holiday houses.....

And.....voila! The finished product (The girls are wearing their coats because I made them go out in the garage to do the glitter part).

Now, if I can just get all my shopping done, we'll be set!!!

1 comment:

Kami (tayo) said...

The decorations look great! You're girls are so dang cute! Those craft projects never are simple and easy!!! I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! If you need anything, just call!