Thursday, August 21, 2008

I've been tagged (lucky me, eh?)

I've Been Tagged By Miss Lindsay! The Rules:-Link the Person who Tagged you-Mention rules on your blog-Tell about 6 quirks of yours-Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same-Leave a comment to let them know.
I TAG Rachel, Kristen, Jenny, Kristel, Becca and Camille! And if I've already tagged you before, I apologize. But get over it and blog already!
So, here's the 6 quirky things about me that took ALL night to come up with!
No 1. - Many people think I have 3 sisters, but you'd be wrong! I actually have 5 :) That's because I have a "not-twin" and a pretend adopted sister. Let me explain.....Jenny and I should have been born at the same time as twins because we are almost exactly the same. We even have twin divets in our heads! Poured from the same mold I tell ya!

And my pretend adopted sister - that'd be Becky! She only has one sibling, who unfortunately passed away 7 years ago after a courageous battle with breast cancer. Well, since I love Becky like a sister, I "pretend" adopted her and consider her my sister - my kids even call her "Aunt Becky".
No. 2 - I am a HUGE SuCkEr for infomercials! I pretty much have every exercise tape that's been advertised via infomercial. I also have a nice set of knives that I didn't need and a microfiber mop and I'm super tempted to get a Shamwow! And that's just the start of the list - Wow, I could go on for days!

No. 3 - I have "quirky" eating habits. First off, I'm ADDICTED to salt. Everyone I eat with knows I might as well have a salt shaker permenantly attached to my hand.

Second, I will only eat one thing at a time. For example, I go to Maddox and get a turkey steak dinner...Well, I eat a roll, then the veggies, then the turkey steak, then the potato - can't mix or trade off - that's just weird! Lastly, I hate when my food touches, that's gross!

No. 4 - I have very specific requests for my funeral - yes, I've thought about it a lot! If I die before i turn 50, I have requested my obituary include a picture of me sticking my tounge out (cuz i don't think they'll put one in of me flipping the bird!). I also want a black casket with silver handles and would like to be taken to the cemetery in a black Ford truck instead of a hearse. I also want the song "When I get where I'm going" sung at my funeral and I want gerber daisies on my casket. Oh, speaking of death, I believe it should be mandatory to list the cause of death in an obituary!

No. 5 - I am deathly afraid of dogs! Yes, I own one Princess Lilly Fufu (chocolate lab) and I try on occasion to pet her and be outside when she's out, but my heart still races uncontrollably! I am even scared of little dogs. Becky has a min-pin named bud that I swear is going to jump up and severe my carotid artery and then I'll die! It's true, I'm that scared ok!

No. 6 - I know it's uber lame, but really, I'm not quirky, so last one is --- my driving! Everyone says I drive way too fast. I'll admit, I'm a chronic speeder, but I feel I'm careful when I drive. I've never been in an accident, so I think I'm a good driver! One thing I do while I'm driving is sing at the top of my lungs (not well I might add)! Right now I have the Sugarland CD in and I'm pretty sure people at stoplights think I have lost my mind!

Well, there ya go - bet you wish you didn't waste your time! hee hee! j/k!


Lindsay said...

That was a good tag! Go You! I thought we got you over that fear of dogs! And I sing Sugarland at the top of my lungs too, so if I were next to you on the road, I totally wouldn't think you were crazy at all!

Rachel & Riley said...

Look at me go! I got tagged and did the tag all on the same day!!

TeamDall said...

Well, I'm slightly offended that I didn't make your list of sisters since my title is actually SISTER-IN-LAW. Whatever. :)

Hollie said...

ANDREAAA: Wow...So im glad that you think of your own funeral...thats really healthy:0) all ive thought is that i dont want an open casket. the salt..i swear lind-say has mentioned your salt addiction. Are you even afraid of lil Tiki?? actually: dogs i dont know get my nerves goin a lil. to sum it all are a pretty quirky girl...woman if i must:)

Hollie said...

Freak...what did i hit and i didnt even know?? did i say a word she HATES?? oh man.
ps. you WILL try the milk/cereal adventure and you WILL acknowledge how s-m-r-t i am:) im sorry your confused on my whole soda pop top/lid/cap thing...ill have to take a real life picture for those who dont catch on to quickly-haha