Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Brave Brave Girls

I just wanted to tell everyone how brave my sweet little girls are. First, Kaycee mentioned that she felt something funny in her chest. Well 2 years ago we had to have a cyst removed from the right side of her chest, so I was a little concerned and wanted the Dr. to check it out. The Doctor wanted us to have an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't something of concern.

Before the ultrasound, Kaycee got really cuddly and I could tell she was a little nervous, but she did an awesome job holding still. Here's Kaycee waiting for her ultrasound.

Here's the ultrasound of her chest. The radiologist came in and read the results and said it was hardened tissue - no cyst, no tumors, no SURGERY!!! - so we were very grateful!

Well if that wasn't enough stress on a Mom's heart for one day.......

I went to pick Marlee up from Preschool and she was excited and in a happy mood. When we were walking out, she pushed the gate (chain link) open to head out to the car. Well, the gate doesn't swing all the way open - a fact Marlee didn't know, and it bounced back. With Marlee still moving forward and the gate coming at her, she ended up with a pretty nasty gash on her eyebrow. Can I just say I never realized how bad a head wound can bleed! She ended up with it all down her face, on her shirt, in her hair and on both of her hands. A quick trip to the instacare and some super duper super glue and she was all fixed up. She was quite a little trooper! I'm so proud of her!

And a big huge thanks to Teacher Kristina for scooping us up and getting us home so Mom could hold Miss Marlee and dad could drive to Instacare.

Oh and speaking of bravery - check me out on this tall, tall ladder hanging pictures at my work.....

Meanwhile.....Lindsays NOT BRAVE feet stayed firmly on the ground.


Lindsay said...

What brave Dall's you are! Good Job Kaycee! And poor Marlee!! I hope her head feels better!

And go you in that ladder! And way to make fun of the wuss over here! I can't help it that I am scurred. I was borned that way!

Mickie Ron said...

Awesome job to all the gals, notice who is holding the ladder on the bottom, I would have gone up there but Andrea insisted she went to the top, and Lindsay, someone had to hand her the pictures, and line everything up!!

Miss Annie said...

Thanks for holding the ladder Mick! But tell the and Lindsay both have a case of wimp-o-titus!

Lindsay said...

I don't know about Mick, but I admit it! Me and ladders (heights in general) don't get along!!! I am open with my wimp-o-titus.

We are the Dall family said...

OuchMarlee!! That looks like it hurts!! Hope you fell better soon!!

TeamDall said...
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TeamDall said...

Your girls are really brave, we're glad you're all doing okay. Love ya!