Friday, November 14, 2008

Week in review

Well, this week has been very busy and very interesting to say the least. So I'll just quickly give a rundown of the fun events over the last week.

Friday night was the "Pink in the Rink" hockey game. The Utah Grizzlies have a hockey game every year where they wear pink jerseys and paint the ice pink and donate a portion of their proceeds to help the fight agains breast cancer. I left my camera in the car and got a few pics on my phone before i dropped it and broke the camera (oops!)

Saturday, Bradee and I headed down with most of the fam to Body Worlds 3. Bradee thought it was very intersting. I liked it, but couldn't handle that many people in a dark confined space! aahhh!

Afterwards we went to Hard Rock Cafe

Bradee had her favorite - BBQ Drumsticks!

Wednesday (i know, i know, it should have been Tuesday) we headed up to Grandpa Z's grave to pay respects for an honored Veteran. I am very grateful to all the Veteran's who have served our country, protected us and ensured our freedom.

Last night was Parent/Teacher Conference for the 2 big girls. They both have worked so hard this 1st quarter and have done awesome! I am so proud of their accomplishments! We went to The Greenery to celebrate!

Way to go girls! Here's looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend - Yeah right!!!

1 comment:

TeamDall said...

I love those two pictures of Marlee and the one of the girls eating their ice cream. Cute girls!